We specialize in retirement planning and can map out a corridor of likely outcomes and to help you make sound choices within these two key phases:

Accumulation planning:  In exchange for all the time and effort you put into your career or business, you receive a monetary compensation.  This stage evaluates if or when you are on track to be financial secure.  Equally important is to  determine the ideal vehicles to use for accumulating your savings as you travel through different phases in life.  These verhicles include 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), IRA accounts (SEP, SIMPLE, ROTH) and non-retirement accounts (trusts, investment accounts). Review the "3 Buckets and 4 Windows" concept under Financial Planning (opens a pop up window).

Distribution planning:  You have worked extremely hard throughout your career witht the goal of obtaining the financial security necessary to live an enjoyable lifestyle in retirement.  Retirement Distribution Planning determines how you should align your retirement savings vehicles given your current and future scenario into pre-tax, post-tax, tax-free or hybrid accounts. 

Distribution planning should be considered even if you are in the retirement accumulation phase so that your retirement outcome is planned, ideally providing you with maximum control over future tax rates.  If you have already retired, we can help you determine how to optimally align your withdrawals from your retirement accounts, the assets or investments therein to optimize your income distribution taking into account your age, propensity for risk, longevity risk, market risk, tax situation, pensions and social security.


Irrespective of whether you are in the accumulation or distribution phase, we can help you allocate your investments to achieve an optimal rate of return to attain your goals, the risk/reward trade off and how it may differ from your current risk profile. 

Whether it is defining the specific age at which you can retire, calculating the total amount of assets needed before you can stop working, or determining your budgeted level of spending during retirement, planning for the next chapter of your financial life is critical.  Let us help you.